Monday, January 19, 2009

Through a glass darkly...

My husband is my my official back-scratcher. You know, for those itches that are squarely centered between my shoulder blades that I just can't reach and I need help to satisfy them. I have theological itches, too: questions that need scratching until the itch is satisfied, but, like the itch that's out of reach, you can't quite reach the spot.

I have these itches because I do see "through a glass darkly" (1 Cor. 13:12).
I know I'm not the only person who has them. Perhaps you do, too. If so, welcome.

As a woman who follows Christ, I want to honor my Lord and his Word and to walk in step with the Spirit; so I need to stay on the itch until I'm finally able to reach the spot and give it at least a workable scratch, one that works for a while. This is the best we can do, I think: responsibly discern a biblical and theological answer that makes sense and "works" and go from there until more information comes to light.

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